Accomplish - significado y definición. Qué es Accomplish
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Qué (quién) es Accomplish - definición

v. a.
Complete, achieve, effect, execute, perform, do, consummate, compass, carry, carry into effect, carry through, carry out, get through, bring about, work out, turn out, turn off.
Finish, end, conclude, terminate.
Fulfil, realize, effectuate, bring to pass.
(Rare.) Equip, furnish, supply.
¦ verb achieve or complete successfully.
ME: from OFr. acompliss-, acomplir, based on L. ad- 'to' + complere 'to complete'.
·vt To complete, as time or distance.
II. Accomplish ·vt To Gain; to Obtain.
III. Accomplish ·vt To equip or furnish thoroughly; hence, to complete in acquirements; to render accomplished; to Polish.
IV. Accomplish ·vt To bring to an issue of full success; to Effect; to Perform; to execute fully; to Fulfill; as, to accomplish a design, an object, a promise.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Accomplish
1. accomplish?
Illuminate _ Nancy Duarte & Patti Sanchez _ Talks at Google
2. accomplish.
Nerd Fitness _ Steve Kamb _ Talks at Google
3. accomplish.
Technology Brings Forth Genius _ Arjuna Ardagh _ Talks at Google
4. accomplish what I want to accomplish.
Religion and the Opening Up of the Mind _ Bishop Robert Barron _ Talks at Google
5. to accomplish.
Called Again _ Jennifer Davis _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Accomplish
1. I know we will not accomplish everything we want to accomplish.
2. "But if you can‘t accomplish what you need to accomplish, get them out of there.
3. "We didn‘t accomplish anything then, and I don‘t see how we can accomplish that much now.
4. It will take international cooperation to accomplish.
5. Israeli military attacks cannot accomplish those goals.